Gardening Blog

8 Reasons Why You Must Keep A Plant Near Working Area

by Saru Kaushish on Mar 02, 2023

8 Reasons Why You Must Keep A Plant Near Working Area

In most corporate offices, the environment is generally devoid of any natural elements and often features monotonous hues of beige and gray that lack appeal. People usually spend majority  part of the day at their offices, and incorporating plants into the office space can yield significant advantages for them. Plants are more than just a pretty addition to your workspace. Adding greenery in office spaces can enhance workplace productivity, refresh the mind of employees, and improve overall well-being. There are innumerable reasons to include the natural greenery in your office space, and here in this blog, we have covered a few for your understanding. Take a look!

1. Improve Air Quality

Plants are natural air purifiers that absorb harmful toxins and carbon dioxide while releasing clean oxygen. In fact, one of the research reports from NASA has shown that plants can remove up to 87% of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), such as trichloroethylene, formaldehyde and benzene, from the air within 24 hours. These VOCs can come from office equipments, cleaning products, and furniture. Indoor plants can remove all the toxic gasses through photosynthesis.
By keeping a plant near your working area, you can improve the air quality and reduce the risk of health problems caused by poor air quality, such as headaches, fatigue, and respiratory problems.

2. Boost Productivity

Numerous studies have shown that plants can increase productivity in the workplace. One study by the University of Exeter found that employees who work in environment with plants are 15% more productive than those who work in environment without plants. Plants can also reduce stress, uplift mood, and increase job satisfaction, contributing to increased productivity. Employees have consented that they feel more attentive when plants are present in their surrounding

3. Reduce Stress

Plants can have a calming effect on the mind and body, reducing stress levels in the workplace. A study by the University of Technology, Sydney, found that adding plants to the workspace can reduce stress levels by up to 37%. This is because plants have been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce muscle tension, and increase feelings of relaxation.

Plants can also help in lowering anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Being in the company of other living things can be a source of happiness.

4. Increase Creativity

Plants can also boost creativity and cognitive function. A study by the University of Michigan found that being in a natural environment, such as a room with plants, can improve memory retention and attention span by up to 20%. Plants can also stimulate the brain, promoting creative thinking and problem-solving skills when facing creative blocks. Activating the senses has been known to boost creativity, and employees can feel relaxed and can concentrate better.

5. Improve Mental Health

Plants can positively affect mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. A study by the University of Queensland found that participants who had plants in their workspace reported feeling less anxious, less depressed, and less stressed than those who didn't have plants in their workspace. This is because plants have a calming effect on the mind and body, reducing negative emotions and promoting well-being.

Plants can also uplift the mood and enhance mental wellness. Nature positively impacts people, and therefore, incorporating plants in the office space can raise employees' self-esteem.

6. Enhance Aesthetics

Plants are a natural and cost-effective way to enhance the aesthetics of your workspace. They can add color, texture, and depth to a room, making it more inviting and visually appealing. Plants can also help to soften the hard lines and edges of a workspace, creating a more organic and natural environment. You can buy ceramic pots online to enhance the aesthetics of your office space.
Plants give off good vibes, positively impacting the new people entering the office, and they feel warm and welcome. Plants also create a soothing and comfortable environment.

7. Reduce Noise Levels

Plants can act as a natural sound barrier, reducing noise levels in the workplace. This is because plants absorb sound waves, reducing echo and creating a quieter environment. This can be particularly beneficial in open-plan offices, where noise levels can be high and distracting. Plants can filter the background noise, especially when big plant pots are placed at the corners. You can achieve a favorable effect by placing large ceramic pots for indoor plants at the edges and borders.

8. Improve Physical Health

Plants can also have physical health benefits, such as reducing eye strain and headaches. This is because plants can help to filter out glare and reduce the amount of reflected light in a room, making it more comfortable for the eyes. Additionally, plants can increase humidity levels in the air, reducing the risk of dry skin and respiratory problems. This can result in reduction of sickness-related issues.

Wrapping Up

Keeping indoor plants near your working area can benefit your well-being, productivity, and overall work experience. Plants can improve air quality, boost productivity, reduce stress, increase creativity, improve mental health, enhance aesthetics, reduce noise levels, and improve physical health. So, the next time you want to improve your workspace, consider adding a plant or two. Your mind and body will thank you for it.

